Woodsy Owl LIVE 3 — Episode 1 — The Science of Air Pollution
Learning Module – Countdown to Moon Trees
Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States Investi-gator (Rocky Mountain Research Station) – Vol. 3 No. 1
Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you will learn many interesting facts about the Southwestern United States….
FACELook! Exploring the Relationship Between Carbon, Photosynthesis, and the Roots of Trees
Word Search – Balancing Act
Word Search – Where in the World Is Carbon Dioxide?
FACELook – Vol. 1 No. 1
The scientists in this study conducted an experiment to see how much carbon is stored in a tree’s roots versus its leaves. The monograph explores the relationship between carbon, photosynthesis,…
Urban Forest – Vol. 6 No. 1
What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school, work, and play. Even if you live in a rural…
Balancing Act: Urban Trees and the Carbon Cycle
Tropical Forest – Vol. 3 No. 1
Enjoy a journey to the tropics! In the Natural Inquirer Tropical Forest edition, readers will learn about the plants and animals that make the tropics special. The tropics are the…