Apollo 14

The first and second generation of Moon Trees sprouted out of a partnership between the USDA Forest Service and NASA.…
The first and second generation of Moon Trees sprouted out of a partnership between the USDA Forest Service and NASA. Learn more about the history of the Moon Tree projects,...

In “Grow Where You’re Planted,” students will learn about how different planting elevations can affect Jeffrey and ponderosa pines’ survival,…
In “Grow Where You’re Planted,” students will learn about how different planting elevations can affect Jeffrey and ponderosa pines’ survival, growth, and bud development timing. As part of the Moon…

In Moon Trees LIVE 1, learn about the history of the first Moon Trees from the Apollo 14 mission, the…
In Moon Trees LIVE 1, learn about the history of the first Moon Trees from the Apollo 14 mission, the new collaboration between the Forest Service and NASA to send...

In this module, we will explore trees and what they need, and we will learn how tree seeds have gone…
In this module, we will explore trees and what they need, and we will learn how tree seeds have gone to space. Below you will find articles, videos, and activities...