Water Use
Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you…
Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States Investi-gator (Rocky Mountain Research Station) – Vol. 3 No. 1
Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you will learn many interesting facts about the Southwestern United States….
The scientists in this study were interested in comparing the water use efficiency of trees. They wondered if the water…
Streaming Live: How Do Streams Affect How Well Trees Use Water?
The scientists in this study were interested in comparing the water use efficiency of trees. They wondered if the water use efficiency of trees growing away from intermittent and ephemeral...