FACELook! Exploring the Relationship Between Carbon, Photosynthesis, and the Roots of Trees
The scientists in this study wanted to know how rising levels of carbon dioxide in the troposphere might affect the amount of carbon sent belowground by trees and made available for tree root growth and maintenance.
In this FACTivity, you will assess and compare two trees. The questions you will answer are: 1) What is the estimated leaf area of two similar trees in your schoolyard? 2)...
FACTivity – FACELook
In this FACTivity, you will assess and compare two trees. The questions you will answer are: 1) What is the estimated leaf area of two similar trees in your schoolyard? 2)...
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Kurt Johnsen
My favorite science experience was collecting seed from old-growth red spruce trees in Nova Scotia.View Profile -
Heather McCarthy
My favorite science experience was going to the Wind River Canopy Crane in Washington. I got to ride in the crane, which goes 200 feet in the air above 500...View Profile -
Ram Oren
My favorite science experience was as a graduate student when I “discovered” that the structure of leaves determined how they worked. Later, I found out that two Estonians had discovered...View Profile -
Sari Palmroth
My favorite science experience is to put a green leaf in a small chamber. Then, given that there is enough light in the chamber, I like to see how the...View Profile -
Michael Ryan
I have two favorite science experiences! The first was my first visit to primary wet tropical forest in Costa Rica. It was like entering a different world. Very dim, green...View Profile -
William Schlesinger
My favorite science experience was watching woodcocks at dusk in a northeastern Ohio shrub wetland.View Profile -
John Butnor
My favorite science experience was mapping tree roots with ground penetrating radar near the Arctic circle in Northern Sweden.View Profile
Note To Educators
The Forest Service's Mission
The Forest Service’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. For more than 100 years, our motto has been “caring for the land and serving people.” The Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), recognizes its responsibility to be engaged in efforts to connect youth to nature and to promote the development of science-based conservation education programs and materials nationwide.
What Is the Natural Inquirer?
Natural Inquirer is a science education resource journal to be used by students in grade 6 and up. Natural Inquirer contains articles describing environmental and natural resource research conducted by Forest Service scientists and their cooperators. These scientific journal articles have been reformatted to meet the needs of middle school students. The articles are easy to understand, are aesthetically pleasing to the eye, contain glossaries, and include hands-on activities. The goal of Natural Inquirer is to stimulate critical reading and thinking about scientific inquiry and investigation while teaching about ecology, the natural environment, and natural resources.
Meet the Scientists
Introduces students to the scientists who did the research. This section may be used in a discussion about careers in science.
What Kinds of Scientist Did This Research?
Introduces students to the scientific disciplines of the scientists who conducted the research.
Thinking About Science
Introduces something new about the scientific process, such as a scientific habit of mind or procedures used in scientific studies.
Thinking About the Environment
Introduces the environmental topic being addressed in the research.
Introduces the problem or question that the research addresses.
Describes the method the scientists used to collect and analyze their data.
Findings & Discussion
Describes the results of the analysis. Addresses the findings and places them into the context of the original problem or question.
Reflection Section
Presents questions aimed at stimulating critical thinking about what has been read or predicting what might be presented in the next section. These questions are placed at the end of each of the main article sections.
Number Crunches
Presents an easy math problem related to the research.
Defines potentially new scientific or other terms to students. The first occurrence of a glossary word is bold in the text.
Gives the original article citation with an internet link to the original article.
Presents a hands-on activity that emphasizes something presented in the article.
Science Education Standards
You will find a listing of education standards which are addressed by each article at the back of each publication and on our website.
We Welcome Feedback
Jessica Nickelsen
Director, Natural Inquirer program -
This lesson plan introduces students to the different sections of a Natural Inquirer article. Additionally, it helps the students understand the content of the article through the use of graphic...
Lesson Plan – Reading a Natural Inquirer Article – FACELook
This lesson plan introduces students to the different sections of a Natural Inquirer article. Additionally, it helps the students understand the content of the article through the use of graphic...