Outdoor Activity
Scientists ask questions about many small things found in nature, the way Dr. Jovan asked questions about moss. Small things,…
Scientists ask questions about many small things found in nature, the way Dr. Jovan asked questions about moss. Small things, like plants, rocks, soil, or animals, can tell scientists a...
In this challenge, we want you to think more about how much time you spend outdoors. As a class/group/family, you…
In this challenge, we want you to think more about how much time you spend outdoors. As a class/group/family, you will track how much time you spend outdoors each day...
In this FACTivity, you will build a physical representation, or a model, of a beaver dam. Some of the questions…
In this FACTivity, you will build a physical representation, or a model, of a beaver dam. Some of the questions you will answer in this FACTivity are: How can you...
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How many birds do I notice in my schoolyard habitat? Materials:…
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How many birds do I notice in my schoolyard habitat? Materials: Bird Observation Tally Sheet (included) Pencil Clip board Binoculars (optional)...
In this FACTivity, you will become a citizen scientist by collecting phenology data from your school, town, or home using…
In this FACTivity, you will become a citizen scientist by collecting phenology data from your school, town, or home using Nature’s Notebook. Materials (for each student or group of students):...
In this FACTivity, you will practice omelisebekl in a forest or natural area near you, or in your schoolyard or…
In this FACTivity, you will practice omelisebekl in a forest or natural area near you, or in your schoolyard or backyard.
In this FACTivity, you will locate north, south, east, and west using only the Sun.
In this FACTivity, you will locate north, south, east, and west using only the Sun.
Make a list of types of things you currently do when you are outdoors. What types of activities would you…
Make a list of types of things you currently do when you are outdoors. What types of activities would you like to add to the list? Make a plan to...
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is, “How might fish and other aquatic life be affected by turbidity?”…
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is, “How might fish and other aquatic life be affected by turbidity?” You will answer this question by building a model to...
Find 15 minutes at least twice a week to go outside. What do you hear, smell, and see? How do…
Find 15 minutes at least twice a week to go outside. What do you hear, smell, and see? How do you feel after your observation time outside? If you can’t...