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This monograph is one of two Wilderness 50 monographs. These two monographs were created to honor the 50th anniversary of…
This monograph is one of two Wilderness 50 monographs. These two monographs were created to honor the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act of 1964. This act established the U.S….
This monograph is one of two Wilderness 50 monographs. These two monographs were created to honor the 50th anniversary of…
This monograph is one of two Wilderness 50 monographs. These two monographs were created to honor the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act of 1964. This act established the U.S….
This monograph looks at how much time kids spend outdoors based on data from the National Kids Survey. The monograph…
This monograph looks at how much time kids spend outdoors based on data from the National Kids Survey. The monograph also examines the outdoor activities kids participate in.
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks…The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks vary between landscaped and natural areas of New York City...
In this essay, learn about observing the forest with a special form of forest hiking: omelisebekl.In this essay, learn about observing the forest with a special form of forest hiking: omelisebekl.
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
NSI: Nature Science Investigator (NSI) is a self-guided outdoor activity book for children ages 8-14. The booklet enables each student…NSI: Nature Science Investigator (NSI) is a self-guided outdoor activity book for children ages 8-14. The booklet enables each student to become the scientist! There are 11 different types of...
NSI: Nature Science Investigator (NSI) is a self-guided outdoor activity book for children ages 8-14. The booklet enables each student…NSI: Nature Science Investigator (NSI) is a self-guided outdoor activity book for children ages 8-14. The booklet enables each student to become the scientist! There are 11 different types of...
Sharing experiences is an important way for people to think about experiences they have had and better understand how those…Sharing experiences is an important way for people to think about experiences they have had and better understand how those experiences relate to their entire life. The scientists in this...
The scientists in this study wanted to answer two questions: (1) How many people in the United States are projected…The scientists in this study wanted to answer two questions: (1) How many people in the United States are projected to participate in four backcountry and wilderness activities in 2060...