Sari Palmroth
Non Forest Service
My favorite science experience is to put a green leaf in a small chamber. Then, given that there is enough light in the chamber, I like to see how the amount of carbon dioxide in the air within the chamber is reduced as the leaf photosynthesizes. During photosynthesis, the leaf is converting solar energy into carbohydrates. This photo of me was taken in Australia. Can you guess what kind of animal I’m with? If you guessed a kangaroo, you are right!
Featured from Natural Inquirer
The scientists in this study wanted to know how rising levels of carbon dioxide in the troposphere might affect the amount of carbon sent belowground by trees and made available...
FACELook! Exploring the Relationship Between Carbon, Photosynthesis, and the Roots of Trees
The scientists in this study wanted to know how rising levels of carbon dioxide in the troposphere might affect the amount of carbon sent belowground by trees and made available...