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The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What species of birds are found living in my schoolyard? You…
FACTivity – That’s a Humdinger!
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What species of birds are found living in my schoolyard? You will act as an ornithologist while learning to identify birds...
In the Western United States, spotted knapweed is one of the most widely found nonnative plants. Spotted knapweed was brought to the United…
Goll-ly! Don’t Take a Knapweed! The Impact of Nonnative Plants and Animals on Deer Mice
In the Western United States, spotted knapweed is one of the most widely found nonnative plants. Spotted knapweed was brought to the United States from Eastern Europe in the early 1900s. To control the...
A naturalized species has two ranges. The first range is the one where the species lives in its native habitat.…
North of the Border: Are Nonnative Species Moving Northward As the Climate Changes?
A naturalized species has two ranges. The first range is the one where the species lives in its native habitat. The second range is the one where the species is...
Scientists investigated what might happen to Mexican spotted owls as the air temperature continues to rise in a changing climate.…
Owl-ch! – How a Changing Climate Might Affect Mexican Spotted Owls
Scientists investigated what might happen to Mexican spotted owls as the air temperature continues to rise in a changing climate. The scientist wanted to know how warmer air temperatures might...
In this study, the student scientists wanted to determine if the Oxbow is a good habitat for the great horned…
The Great Horned Owl in the Oxbow
In this study, the student scientists wanted to determine if the Oxbow is a good habitat for the great horned owl. (This article is part of the Student Scientist edition...
Red-cockaded woodpeckers are an endangered species that live in areas from eastern Texas all the way to the Atlantic coast.…
Wood Roaches for Dinner Again? The Baby Red-Cockaded Woodpecker’s Diet
Red-cockaded woodpeckers are an endangered species that live in areas from eastern Texas all the way to the Atlantic coast. Not much is known about what red-cockaded woodpeckers eat. Without...
Red-cockaded woodpeckers are an endangered species that live in areas from eastern Texas all the way to the Atlantic coast.…
Wood Roaches for Dinner Again? The Baby Red-Cockaded Woodpecker’s Diet (Spanish)
Red-cockaded woodpeckers are an endangered species that live in areas from eastern Texas all the way to the Atlantic coast. Not much is known about what red-cockaded woodpeckers eat. Without...
After reading “Wood Roaches for Dinner Again?,” test your knowledge with a word search.
Word Search – Wood Roaches for Dinner Again?
After reading “Wood Roaches for Dinner Again?,” test your knowledge with a word search.