Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
In the Western United States, many of the forests have too many small trees. These small trees increase the risk…
Chip and Truck: Comparing the Cost of Using Trees to Heat Buildings
In the Western United States, many of the forests have too many small trees. These small trees increase the risk of wildfire. Forest managers, therefore, want to remove the small...
Test your knowledge on ecosystems, vegetation, and erosion.
Crossword – Ecosystem Services
Test your knowledge on ecosystems, vegetation, and erosion.
Test your knowledge on water, invasive species, and ecology.
Crossword – Woolly Bully
Test your knowledge on water, invasive species, and ecology.
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will…
Do What You Water: The Current Situation and Possible Future of Fresh Water in the United States
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will use from the year 2000 to the year 2040.
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will…
Do What You Water: The Current Situation and Possible Future of Fresh Water in the United States (Spanish)
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will use from the year 2000 to the year 2040.
The scientists in this study wanted to know if cars parked in shady parking lots emit fewer gases than cars parked in…
Don’t Be So Fuel-ish! How Much Fuel Is Saved When Cars Are Parked in the Shade?
The scientists in this study wanted to know if cars parked in shady parking lots emit fewer gases than cars parked in sunny parking lots. If that is the case, it would give...
The scientists in this study wanted to know how rising levels of carbon dioxide in the troposphere might affect the…
FACELook! Exploring the Relationship Between Carbon, Photosynthesis, and the Roots of Trees
The scientists in this study wanted to know how rising levels of carbon dioxide in the troposphere might affect the amount of carbon sent belowground by trees and made available...
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How does being in the shade affect how hot you feel?
FACTivity – Made in the Shade
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How does being in the shade affect how hot you feel?
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How does being in the shade affect how hot you feel?
FACTivity – Made in the Shade (Spanish)
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How does being in the shade affect how hot you feel?
Pine trees cover much of the Southeastern United States. When older pine trees are cut for making wood products, only…
How Now Round Crown? Predicting the Energy Future of Tree Crowns
Pine trees cover much of the Southeastern United States. When older pine trees are cut for making wood products, only the trees’ boles are used. The scientists in this study...
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage…
I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff and I’ll Blow Your Trees Down: How Wind Speed Affected Trees During Hurricane Hugo
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage occurs to trees. The scientists in this study wanted to know more...
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage…
I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff and I’ll Blow Your Trees Down: How Wind Speed Affected Trees During Hurricane Hugo (Spanish)
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage occurs to trees. The scientists in this study wanted to know more...