Wind Damage
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage…
I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff and I’ll Blow Your Trees Down: How Wind Speed Affected Trees During Hurricane Hugo
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage occurs to trees. The scientists in this study wanted to know more...
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage…
I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff and I’ll Blow Your Trees Down: How Wind Speed Affected Trees During Hurricane Hugo (Spanish)
When a hurricane occurs, a lot of damage can be done to buildings and other structures. One of the most visible types of damage occurs to trees. The scientists in this study wanted to know more...