
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What are other ecosystem services provided by the Nation’s natural resources?…
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What are other ecosystem services provided by the Nation’s natural resources? To complete this FACTivity, you will use what you’ve learned...

You learned in this article that flooding can provide a service to the toads living along the Rio Grande in…
You learned in this article that flooding can provide a service to the toads living along the Rio Grande in New Mexico. When flooding occurs in the spring, wet areas...

Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides through natural processes. For example, plants provide clean air, natural fire helps…
Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides through natural processes. For example, plants provide clean air, natural fire helps cycle nutrients, and bats act as insect control. Ecosystem services…

In this article, scientists explore the different ecosystem services provided by prairie potholes such as soil nutrients, absorbing carbon, and…
In this article, scientists explore the different ecosystem services provided by prairie potholes such as soil nutrients, absorbing carbon, and reducing soil erosion.