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  • Wildfire Prevention Specialist As a wildfire prevention specialist, I raise public awareness about how human behavior can accidentally cause a…

    Smokey Bear, Wildfire Prevention Specialist

  • I work on the Ochoco National Forest out of Prineville Oregon as a Wildfire Prevention Specialist. I have two children…

    Stacy Lacey

  • Mark Thibideau is a Fire Prevention Technician on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Northern California. I actively patrol the forests…

    Mark Thibideau

  • USDA Forest Service and NASA As an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, Roosa brought seeds in his personal preference…

    Stuart Roosa, USDA Forest Service Smokejumper and NASA Astronaut

  • B.S., University of Washington USDA Forest Service My job is to implement effective fuels treatments to make a more fire-resilient…

    Aaron Rowe, Forest Fuels & Fire Prevention Specialist

  • M.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service I manage the fuels program at the forest level, which includes coordinating prescribed…

    Shaniko Cowie, Deputy Fire Staff, Fuels

  • B.S.S., Ohio University USDA Forest Service As an interagency fire training officer I maintain training records for wildland firefighters and…

    Sally Davis, Interagency Fire Training Officer

  • High School USDA Forest Service My position as a fire prevention technician gives me the opportunity to meet and educate…

    Rex Thompson, Fire Prevention Technician

  • B.S., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service As a smoke coordinator, I am the liaison between all the land managers doing…

    Paul Corrigan, Utah Interagency Smoke Coordinator

  • Graduate, National Wildland Firefighter Apprentice Academy USDA Forest Service As a wildfire prevention officer, I provide guidance, leadership, and program…

    Olivia-Iniabi Collette, Wildfire Prevention Officer
