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Wildfire Prevention Specialist As a wildfire prevention specialist, I raise public awareness about how human behavior can accidentally cause a…
Smokey Bear, Wildfire Prevention Specialist
Wildfire Prevention Specialist As a wildfire prevention specialist, I raise public awareness about how human behavior can accidentally cause a wildfire. My goal is for humans to be aware of...
I work on the Ochoco National Forest out of Prineville Oregon as a Wildfire Prevention Specialist. I have two children…
Stacy Lacey
I work on the Ochoco National Forest out of Prineville Oregon as a Wildfire Prevention Specialist. I have two children ages 11 and 13 who have grown up loving Smokey...
Mark Thibideau is a Fire Prevention Technician on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Northern California. I actively patrol the forests…
Mark Thibideau
Mark Thibideau is a Fire Prevention Technician on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Northern California. I actively patrol the forests and communicate with communities, including local elementary, middle, high schools,...
USDA Forest Service and NASA As an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, Roosa brought seeds in his personal preference…
Stuart Roosa, USDA Forest Service Smokejumper and NASA Astronaut
USDA Forest Service and NASA As an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, Roosa brought seeds in his personal preference kit. These seeds orbited the Moon with him in 1971...
B.S., University of Washington USDA Forest Service My job is to implement effective fuels treatments to make a more fire-resilient…
Aaron Rowe, Forest Fuels & Fire Prevention Specialist
B.S., University of Washington USDA Forest Service My job is to implement effective fuels treatments to make a more fire-resilient and fire-adapted landscape as well as prevent unwanted human-caused wildfires.
M.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service I manage the fuels program at the forest level, which includes coordinating prescribed…
Shaniko Cowie, Deputy Fire Staff, Fuels
M.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service I manage the fuels program at the forest level, which includes coordinating prescribed fire and fuels reduction treatments across our 2.3-million-acre forest. During...
B.S.S., Ohio University USDA Forest Service As an interagency fire training officer I maintain training records for wildland firefighters and…
Sally Davis, Interagency Fire Training Officer
B.S.S., Ohio University USDA Forest Service As an interagency fire training officer I maintain training records for wildland firefighters and fire support personnel
High School USDA Forest Service My position as a fire prevention technician gives me the opportunity to meet and educate…
Rex Thompson, Fire Prevention Technician
High School USDA Forest Service My position as a fire prevention technician gives me the opportunity to meet and educate the public about fire safety and ways to protect natural...
B.S., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service As a smoke coordinator, I am the liaison between all the land managers doing…
Paul Corrigan, Utah Interagency Smoke Coordinator
B.S., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service As a smoke coordinator, I am the liaison between all the land managers doing prescribed fire (Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land...
Graduate, National Wildland Firefighter Apprentice Academy USDA Forest Service As a wildfire prevention officer, I provide guidance, leadership, and program…
Olivia-Iniabi Collette, Wildfire Prevention Officer
Graduate, National Wildland Firefighter Apprentice Academy USDA Forest Service As a wildfire prevention officer, I provide guidance, leadership, and program management with a focus on wildfire prevention and education to...