Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
Caves are important natural features in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California. Past studies of some of these…
A Tale of Two Caves: How Is Hurricane Crawl Cave Different From Crystal Cave?
Caves are important natural features in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California. Past studies of some of these caves revealed information about the area’s mountains, the formation of...
After reading the Caves and Karst edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Crossword – Caves and Karst
After reading the Caves and Karst edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
In this FACTivity, you will grow your own speleothem. At the end of this FACTivity, you answer the following question:…
FACTivity – A Tale of Two Caves
In this FACTivity, you will grow your own speleothem. At the end of this FACTivity, you answer the following question: What does this activity tell us about the formation of...
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How do air temperature patterns relate to a yearly natural event,…
FACTivity – Timed Travel
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How do air temperature patterns relate to a yearly natural event, such as the emergence of a particular species of flower,...
Pick four words from the glossary for “Logjams and Beaver Dams” to illustrate in the graphic organizer provided. Pretend that…
Illustrated Glossary Challenge – Logjams and Beaver Dams
Pick four words from the glossary for “Logjams and Beaver Dams” to illustrate in the graphic organizer provided. Pretend that you are making these drawings for a younger child to...
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Inquiry 2: What Benefits Do the World’s Forests Provide?
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Scientists know little about the movement of litter and dead wood from forests to rivers in mountainous temperate ecosystems. Studying…
Logjams and Beaver Dams: How Different Landforms Affect the Amount of Carbon in an Ecosystem
Scientists know little about the movement of litter and dead wood from forests to rivers in mountainous temperate ecosystems. Studying this movement is one way that scientists can better understand...
Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help…
Mangrove Mania: How Elevation Change and Sea-Level Rise Affect Mangrove Forests
Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help protect coastlines. The mangrove forests provide protection for the villages,...
Mussels are very sensitive to changes in the environment which makes them good indicators of the health of an aquatic…
Mussel Mania: How Streamflow Affects Freshwater Mussels Over Long Time Periods
Mussels are very sensitive to changes in the environment which makes them good indicators of the health of an aquatic ecosystem. Mussel shells, like growth rings from a tree, can...
Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found…
Sediment-al Journey: Measuring Metal Concentrations in Soil Beside Urban Waterways
Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found most abundantly in urban areas are calcium and lead. The...
The scientists in this study were asked to identify which areas of forest and rangeland in the United States might become more stressed in…
Stress Test: The Condition and Possible Future of Forests and Rangelands in the United States
The scientists in this study were asked to identify which areas of forest and rangeland in the United States might become more stressed in the future.
The scientists in this study were asked to identify which areas of forest and rangeland in the United States might become more stressed in…
Stress Test: The Condition and Possible Future of Forests and Rangelands in the United States (Spanish)
The scientists in this study were asked to identify which areas of forest and rangeland in the United States might become more stressed in the future.