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  • After reading the Woodsy Owl edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
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    Crossword – Woodsy Owl

  • From 1920 to 1950, a tree species called albizia (Falcataria moluccana) was brought to Hawai‘i from islands located north and…
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    Don’t Litter the Stream: An Invasive Tree Species and a Hawaiian Stream Food Web

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What is the relationship between the level of chemicals in a…
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    FACTivity – Sediment-al Journey

  • Pick four words from the glossary for “Logjams and Beaver Dams” to illustrate in the graphic organizer provided. Pretend that…
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    Illustrated Glossary Challenge – Logjams and Beaver Dams

  • Scientists know little about the movement of litter and dead wood from forests to rivers in mountainous temperate ecosystems. Studying…
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    Logjams and Beaver Dams: How Different Landforms Affect the Amount of Carbon in an Ecosystem

  • Scientists investigated what might happen to Mexican spotted owls as the air temperature continues to rise in a changing climate.…
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    Owl-ch! – How a Changing Climate Might Affect Mexican Spotted Owls

  • Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found…
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    Sediment-al Journey: Measuring Metal Concentrations in Soil Beside Urban Waterways

  • After an area has been changed by human or natural disturbances, forest managers often engage in restoration activities. In the…
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    Snake, Rattle, and Roll: Investigating the Snakes That Live in the Bosque Along the Middle Rio Grande

  • Agroforestry is the practice of mixing trees, shrubs, crops, or animal production systems together. The purpose of mixing trees and…
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    Spotlight – What Is Agroforestry?

  • Many different types of birds live in riparian forests. In this study, the scientists were interested in black-chinned hummingbirds that…
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    That’s a Humdinger! Black-Chinned Hummingbird Nesting in Response to Forest Treatments