(ǝ me nǝ tē): Something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment.
(bī ō dǝ vǝr sǝ tē ): Biological variety in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals.
(ka nə pē): A protective covering: such as, the uppermost spreading branchy layer of a forest.
(e lǝ vā shǝn): The height above sea level.
(fȯr ij): (noun) Food for browsing or grazing animals.
(verb) To wander in search of forage or food.
(mȯr ta lǝ tē): The number of deaths in a given time or place.
(pä lə sē): A course of action chosen in order to guide people in making decisions.
(ran dǝ mīz): To arrange or choose something in a random way or order.
(ri zil yənt): The quality of being able to recover from or adjust easily to change.
(rə per ē ən): Relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural watercourse (such as a river or sometimes a lake or tidewater).
(si klü zhǝn): The state of being away from other people.
(si dā tǝd): Being in a calm, relaxed state resulting from the effect of a sedative drug.
(vərt ə brət orvərt ə brāt): Any of a large group of animals (such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes) that typically have a bony or cartilaginous backbone which replaces the notochord, a distinct head containing a brain which arises as an enlarged part of the nerve cord, and an internal usually bony skeleton and including some primitive forms (such as lampreys) in which the backbone is absent and the notochord persists throughout life.
(wet landz): Land or areas (such as marshes or swamps) that are covered, often intermittently, with shallow water or have soil saturated with moisture.