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  • Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles USDA Forest Service scientist As an ecologist and an entomologist, I study the functional…

    Doug Booher, Ecologist, Entomologist, and Evolutionary Biologist

  • Gretchen Baker is an ecologist at Great Basin National Park. She started visiting caves when she was a child on…

    Gretchen Baker

  • M.S., Humboldt State University USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies the interaction between animals, their environment, and the weather. …

    Ted Weller, Ecologist

  • University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies how plants, animals, and nature’s forces interact.

    Ms. Yvette Ortega, Ecologist

  • Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist I study potential threats to animal populations, especially amphibians and reptiles, including disease…

    Dede Olson, Research Ecologist

  • University of Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment.  I primarily…

    Kevin McKelvey, Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of California-Davis USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies the interactions between living things and their environment.  The…

    Christina Liang, Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts USDA Forest Service Scientist As an urban wildlife ecologist, I study how animals in cities interact with…

    Susannah Lerman, Research Ecologist

  • Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecologists help study the relationships among organisms and between organisms and their…

    Eileen H. Helmer, Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies the relationships between living organisms and the environments…

    William Gould, Ecologist