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Ph.D., University of Arizona USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies the relationships between living organisms and their environment.
Paulette Ford, Research Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Arizona USDA Forest Service Scientist An ecologist studies the relationships between living organisms and their environment.
My favorite science experience is observing animals in their natural environment, whether they are small mammals, bats, or chimpanzees.
Susan Loeb
My favorite science experience is observing animals in their natural environment, whether they are small mammals, bats, or chimpanzees.
When I was a graduate student, I studied the rain forest in Costa Rica. I was studying how climate influenced…
Joe O’Brien
When I was a graduate student, I studied the rain forest in Costa Rica. I was studying how climate influenced tree growth. Sometimes, I had to take measurements of leaves...
Ph.D., University of Pittsurgh USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecologists study how interactions among organisms within communities and environmental factors influence…
Alejandro Royo, Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Pittsurgh USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecologists study how interactions among organisms within communities and environmental factors influence the diversity, distribution, and dynamics of species.
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research ecologist, I study the ecology of trees in…
Lara Roman, Research Ecologist
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research ecologist, I study the ecology of trees in cities, towns, and suburbs.
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist As an ecologist, I study the interaction of climate, plants, and animals in…
Matt Reeves, Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist As an ecologist, I study the interaction of climate, plants, and animals in rangelands.
M.S., Arizona State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their physical surroundings. …
Matthew P. Peters, Ecologist
M.S., Arizona State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their physical surroundings. As an ecologist, I use my background in geography to examine spatial...
Ph.D., Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with each other and…
Kristen A. Pelz, Ecologist
Ph.D., Colorado State University USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment. I am a plant ecologist.
Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USDA Forest Service Scientist I am a tropical ecologist, and I…
Ariel Lugo, Ecologist
Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USDA Forest Service Scientist I am a tropical ecologist, and I study forests, wetlands, and cities in the tropics.