Aaron Grade
Non Forest Service

My favorite science experience was when I trained college and high school volunteers to measure birds for a scientific study. Scientists use a special kind of net called a “mist net” to safely catch birds to be measured and then released. We also put a little metal bracelet on their leg called a “band,” so if they are ever caught by scientists again, we’ll know how old they are and where they’ve been. Seeing how excited students were to hold a bird in their hands for the first time reminded me of why I pursued a career in science—my love for nature and wildlife and how much fun it is to study animals in their habitats!
Featured from Natural Inquirer
Use this graphic organizer before, during, and after Episode 4 of Ecosystems LIVE. Topics include what viewers have learned about human impacts on ecosystems, questions for the scientists, and topics...
Ecosystems LIVE Episode 4 – Graphic Organizer – Live Q&A
Use this graphic organizer before, during, and after Episode 4 of Ecosystems LIVE. Topics include what viewers have learned about human impacts on ecosystems, questions for the scientists, and topics...