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Is there a point when a tree doesn’t hold enough carbon to make up for the emissions released to care…
Balancing Act – Climate Change Monograph Series Vol. 1 No. 3
Is there a point when a tree doesn’t hold enough carbon to make up for the emissions released to care for the tree? Scientists in this study want to know...
Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss…
Balancing Act: Urban Trees and the Carbon Cycle
Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss of trees. Urban trees help to keep urban areas cooler,...
Try this eyeChallenge when you finish reading “On the Fence.” Each of the following images represents something from the article.…
eyeChallenge – On the Fence
Try this eyeChallenge when you finish reading “On the Fence.” Each of the following images represents something from the article. Explain what each of these images represents. You may write...
A school in your area wants to create a pollinator garden. They want their pollinator garden to do two things:…
FACTivity – A Flame Changer
A school in your area wants to create a pollinator garden. They want their pollinator garden to do two things: 1. Provide a healthy habitat for native insect pollinators. 2....
The scientists in this study are conducting research on what barriers best protect quaking aspen from browsing ungulates. This contemporary…
On the Fence: Which Barriers Protect Quaking Aspen From Ungulates?
The scientists in this study are conducting research on what barriers best protect quaking aspen from browsing ungulates. This contemporary research piece is compared with a research article on similar...
The Woodsy Owl edition examines research on a variety of topics including how climate change affects owls in the Southwest,…
The Woodsy Owl Edition – Vol. 1 No. 22
The Woodsy Owl edition examines research on a variety of topics including how climate change affects owls in the Southwest, research on visitors to natural and landscaped areas in urban...
What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school,…
Urban Forest – Vol. 6 No. 1
What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school, work, and play. Even if you live in a rural...
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks…
Where the Sidewalk Ends – Visitor Use of Natural and Landscaped Areas in Urban Parks
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks vary between landscaped and natural areas of New York City...
The scientists in this study were interested in exploring how the environmental conditions for wildlife species might change as landowners…
Which Wood You Choose? – Forest Landowners’ Selection of Trees for Planting Forests Can Have Different Outcomes
The scientists in this study were interested in exploring how the environmental conditions for wildlife species might change as landowners make decisions about replanting trees after harvesting. The scientists know...