Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
In this study, the scientists wanted to test a method of calculating the amount of carbon stored by plants across…
Beam Me Down, Scotty: The Use of Airborne and Satellite Technology to Measure Carbon in Hawaiian Forests
In this study, the scientists wanted to test a method of calculating the amount of carbon stored by plants across a large area of land. They chose the island of...
The scientists in this study wanted to figure out how forest management, climate change, and streamflow interact. First, the scientists…
Flow Down! Can Managing Forests Help Maintain Water Supplies in the Face of Climate Change?
The scientists in this study wanted to figure out how forest management, climate change, and streamflow interact. First, the scientists wanted to identify if forest management could affect streamflow. Second,...
Read about efforts to model changes to land use within watersheds to help identify and prioritize watersheds with low water…
Full Throttle Model: Using Scientific Models to Quickly Assess Water Quality
Read about efforts to model changes to land use within watersheds to help identify and prioritize watersheds with low water quality which need restoration.
This lesson plan has students analyze how an article fits into the broader theme of the journal, specifically the Ecosystem…
Lesson Plan – Ecosystem Services
This lesson plan has students analyze how an article fits into the broader theme of the journal, specifically the Ecosystem Services edition of Natural Inquirer. Also included is a bonus...
When snow melts or rain falls, some of the water runs off into streams or rivers. Most of the water,…
Under Where? Underground Water and Its Contribution to Streams
When snow melts or rain falls, some of the water runs off into streams or rivers. Most of the water, however, goes down into the soil. The water that stays...
Nonpoint source water pollution comes from large areas or landscapes such as roadways, farms, and urban and suburban communities. Scientists…
What’s the Nonpoint? Assessing Nonpoint Source Water Quality Threats Nationwide
Nonpoint source water pollution comes from large areas or landscapes such as roadways, farms, and urban and suburban communities. Scientists know this type of pollution exists, but it is difficult...
According to the scientists in this study, wildness is one of the central qualities of wilderness. To say that an…
Wild and Free! The Quality of Wildness in Wilderness in the United States
According to the scientists in this study, wildness is one of the central qualities of wilderness. To say that an area is wild in this sense, the scientists believed that...