
  • After reading “Pack to Back,” test your understanding by completing this eyeChallenge. Explain what each of these photos from the…

    eyeChallenge – Pack to Back

  • For this FACTivity, you will conduct your own survey like the scientists in this article. You will actually ask people…

    FACTivity – Can You Hear Me Now?

  • In this study, the scientists discovered that wildernesses provide good habitat for frogs because the land and water are protected…

    FACTivity – As the Frog Hops

  • This monograph is one of two Wilderness 50 monographs. These two monographs were created to honor the 50th anniversary of…

    Pack to Back (Wilderness 50 Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 9

  • The Wilderness Act of 1964 created the National Wilderness Preservation System, leading to protection of 106,498,016 acres of land in…

    Wilderness Benefits – Vol. 7 No. 1

  • In 1964, Congress passed a law that established the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS). This law identified areas of Federal…

    Can You Hear Me Now? Using the Telephone to Discover People’s Opinions About Wilderness

  • When a society decides to set aside areas of land as wilderness, it makes a choice about the value of…

    Speak-o-logical: Defining and Measuring the Ecological Value of Wilderness

  • According to the scientists in this study, wildness is one of the central qualities of wilderness. To say that an…

    Wild and Free! The Quality of Wildness in Wilderness in the United States

  • This five-day lesson plan can be used in whole or in part to accompany the Wilderness Benefits edition of Natural…

    Lesson Plan – Wilderness Benefits

  • Test your knowledge on the tundra, wilderness, and questionnaires.

    Who or What Am I? – It’s Elemental