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  • The Oriental bittersweet is a vine that was transported to the United States from Asia in 1860. Oriental bittersweet escaped from gardens and…
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    Hurry Up and Wait: Investigating an Unusual Strategy for Invasion

  • The pine shoot beetle is an invasive species in the Great Lakes region of the United States. The pine shoot beetle was brought…
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    Shoot! Foiled Again! Using Chemicals to Discourage the Pine Shoot Beetle

  • For each pair of words, identify whether the pair are antonyms or synonyms by writing an “A” or “S” beside…
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    Synonym and Antonym Challenge – Chew on This!

  • The scientists in this study were interested in knowing whether humans and other animals can help disturbed areas of land…
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    The Trees Have Gone Batty! How Bat Scat Helped Restore a Tropical Forest

  • The scientists in this study were interested in knowing whether humans and other animals can help disturbed areas of land…
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    The Trees Have Gone Batty! How Bat Scat Helped Restore a Tropical Forest (Spanish)

  • Test your knowledge on germination, mammals, and diversity.
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    Word Search – The Trees Have Gone Batty!