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  • Across the planet, different types of forests are found. One reason different forest types exist is because they grow under…

    Inquiry 1: What Kind of Forests Grow on Earth and How Do They Differ?

  • A forest is a natural ecosystem composed most notably of trees. Different types of forests are found across the planet.…

    Inquiry 1: What Kinds of Forests Grow on Earth and Where Are They Found?

  • The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.

    One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish? The Current Situation and Possible Future of Aquatic Animals in the United States

  • The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.

    One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish? The Current Situation and Possible Future of Aquatic Animals in the United States (Spanish)

  • Pine forests are common in the tropical Caribbean. Usually, these pine forests also have an understory of broad-leafed trees. Broad-leafed…

    Please Join Us for Dinner: Tropical Birds and Their Temporary Guests

  • Pine forests are common in the tropical Caribbean. Usually, these pine forests also have an understory of broad-leafed trees. Broad-leafed…

    Please Join Us for Dinner: Tropical Birds and Their Temporary Guests (Spanish)

  • Test your knowledge of freshwater, aquatic species, habitat, and conservation with a word search.

    Word Search – One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish?

  • Test your knowledge on ecology, migratory, and adaptation.

    Word Search – Please Join Us for Dinner