Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
In this study, the scientists studied glaciers and their nearby rivers in Alaska. The water coming from glaciers can be…
Frozen Food: How Glaciers Provide Food for Animals That Live in the Ocean
In this study, the scientists studied glaciers and their nearby rivers in Alaska. The water coming from glaciers can be quite old and contain nutrients, such as carbon, that could...
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Inquiry 2: What Benefits Do the World’s Forests Provide?
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Tropical forests are sometimes cut down so that humans can use the trees for wood and other products. Then, the cleared land is made into…
It’s a Gas! The Exchange of Gases Between the Soil and the Atmosphere
Tropical forests are sometimes cut down so that humans can use the trees for wood and other products. Then, the cleared land is made into a pasture so that cattle can be raised for human consumption. When...
Tropical forests are sometimes cut down so that humans can use the trees for wood and other products. Then, the cleared land is made into…
It’s a Gas! The Exchange of Gases Between the Soil and the Atmosphere (Spanish)
Tropical forests are sometimes cut down so that humans can use the trees for wood and other products. Then, the cleared land is made into a pasture so that cattle can be raised for human consumption. When...
Plague is an infectious disease that is transmitted to other mammals by fleas. Prairie dogs are particularly susceptible to plague.…
Prairie Dog Days: How Fleas Transmit the Plague and its Effects on Gunnison’s Prairie Dog
Plague is an infectious disease that is transmitted to other mammals by fleas. Prairie dogs are particularly susceptible to plague. The scientists in this study were interested in figuring out...
Test your knowledge on anaerobic, climate, and the greenhouse effect.
Word Search – It’s a Gas!
Test your knowledge on anaerobic, climate, and the greenhouse effect.