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  • Ph.D., Southern Illinois University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a wildlife biologist, I study the functions and interactions between small predators…

    Damon B. Lesmeister, Research Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist An ichthyologist studies fishes.  The word ichthyologist comes from the Greek words…

    Becky Flitcroft, Ichthyologist

  • Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies terrestrial wildlife species (mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians)…

    Keith Aubry, Wildlife Biologist

  • My most awe-inspiring moment as a scientist came when walking deep into an old-growth forest just a few weeks after…

    Jane E. Smith

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant ecologist studies the way plants interact with their environment or…

    David Peter, Plant Ecologist

  • M.S., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research forest products technologist, I study forest management and the effects…

    Eini C. Lowell, Research Forest Products Technologist

  • Ph.D., Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist Plant ecologists study plants and their surroundings, or environment, and inform people…

    Becky K. Kerns, Research Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Washington (Seattle) USDA Forest Service Scientist A silviculturist studies how trees interact with each other and how…

    Connie Harrington, Silviculturist & Tree Physiologist

  • Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research forester, I conduct research on applied silviculture.  Silviculture is…

    Robert Deal, Research Forester

  • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma USDA Forest Service Scientist A research ecologist studies streams and lakes to explore both who lives…

    Sherri L. Johnson, Research Ecologist