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  • Ph.D. candidate, Portland State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a hydrologist, I study water in streams, soils, and plants.

    Adelaide (Di) Johnson, Hydrologist

  • Ph.D., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service Scientist Oikos is the Greek root word for “household.”  It is also the…

    Trista Patterson, Economist

  • Ph.D., The University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist Social science includes various academic disciplines that study people and human…

    Linda Kruger, Social Scientist

  • Ph.D., Stanford University USDA Forest Service Scientist Anthropology is the study of people and their culture in both the past…

    Susan Charnley, Research Social Scientist

  • My favorite experiences over the course of my career as a scientist have involved working with scientists from other disciplines.…

    Jeff Kline

  • M.S., University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist A geospatial (GIS, Remote Sensing) analyst uses computers to study digital map data…

    Charlie Schrader-Patton, Geospatial Analyst

  • University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist An atmospheric scientist studies how air behaves, and how that behavior produces all…

    Brian Potter, Atmospheric Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment.  A…

    Morris C. Johnson, Research Fire Ecologist

  • I am currently conducting research on Coho salmon populations throughout their life cycle I try to understand what fish need,…

    Becky Flitcroft

  • My favorite science experience is collecting and analyzing geographic data from the remote and wild locations of Alaska. I love…

    Dustin Wittwer