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  • My favorite science experience is working on a research team with scientists from different fields. Plus, my job takes me…

    Paul Hennon

  • My favorite science experience is kind of “the darkness before the dawn.” So many times I’ve been hashing over a…

    Trista Patterson

  • I’ve had so many wonderful experiences as a scientist I can’t pick a favorite. From seeing koalas in trees in…

    Rick Edwards

  • “I have so many favorite science experiences! One cool science experience was when I was standing right in the middle…

    E. Ashley Steel

  • I became a bioclimatologist because I like to be in the woods. Bioclimatologists study the relationship of living things to…

    Ron Neilson

  • Finding my first breeding group of western toads in the Oregon Cascade Mountain Range is one of my all-time best…

    Deanna Olson

  • My favorite science experience was conducting bird surveys in the forest. I assisted the bird survey crew and had to…

    David D’Amore

  • One of my most interesting and exciting science experiences occurred last winter when I traveled around the island of Tasmania…

    Keith Aubry

  • I like being a scientist because I can provide new knowledge and develop tools to help forest managers to become…

    Roger Ottmar

  • Even small things can make a big difference. Dr. Sarah Jovan knows this. She is a scientist who likes to…

    Sarah Jovan