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My favorite science experience is working on a research team with scientists from different fields. Plus, my job takes me…
Paul Hennon
My favorite science experience is working on a research team with scientists from different fields. Plus, my job takes me to so many remarkably beautiful, pristine, and remote places.
My favorite science experience is kind of “the darkness before the dawn.” So many times I’ve been hashing over a…
Trista Patterson
My favorite science experience is kind of “the darkness before the dawn.” So many times I’ve been hashing over a difficult problem for weeks, months, years, and then one day...
I’ve had so many wonderful experiences as a scientist I can’t pick a favorite. From seeing koalas in trees in…
Rick Edwards
I’ve had so many wonderful experiences as a scientist I can’t pick a favorite. From seeing koalas in trees in Australia to watching a grizzly bear catch salmon in Alaska,...
“I have so many favorite science experiences! One cool science experience was when I was standing right in the middle…
E. Ashley Steel
“I have so many favorite science experiences! One cool science experience was when I was standing right in the middle of the Snoqualmie River. I was thinking about how my...
I became a bioclimatologist because I like to be in the woods. Bioclimatologists study the relationship of living things to…
Ron Neilson
I became a bioclimatologist because I like to be in the woods. Bioclimatologists study the relationship of living things to their climate. Climate is the average weather of an area...
Finding my first breeding group of western toads in the Oregon Cascade Mountain Range is one of my all-time best…
Deanna Olson
Finding my first breeding group of western toads in the Oregon Cascade Mountain Range is one of my all-time best moments. I had been hunting for toads for hours along...
My favorite science experience was conducting bird surveys in the forest. I assisted the bird survey crew and had to…
David D’Amore
My favorite science experience was conducting bird surveys in the forest. I assisted the bird survey crew and had to get up before dawn, which meant 2 a.m. in Alaska....
One of my most interesting and exciting science experiences occurred last winter when I traveled around the island of Tasmania…
Keith Aubry
One of my most interesting and exciting science experiences occurred last winter when I traveled around the island of Tasmania (which is part of Australia). This was my first opportunity...
I like being a scientist because I can provide new knowledge and develop tools to help forest managers to become…
Roger Ottmar
I like being a scientist because I can provide new knowledge and develop tools to help forest managers to become better stewards of the land.
Even small things can make a big difference. Dr. Sarah Jovan knows this. She is a scientist who likes to…
Sarah Jovan
Even small things can make a big difference. Dr. Sarah Jovan knows this. She is a scientist who likes to study the small plants that most people do not notice....