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Bristlecone pines have an interesting relationship with fire. When a fire occurs, it may open a once-closed area to sunlight.…
Can We Grow Now? Helping Bristlecone Pine Trees To Take Root and Grow
Bristlecone pines have an interesting relationship with fire. When a fire occurs, it may open a once-closed area to sunlight. When this happens, bristlecone pine seedlings get a chance to...
In the Western United States, many of the forests have too many small trees. These small trees increase the risk…
Chip and Truck: Comparing the Cost of Using Trees to Heat Buildings
In the Western United States, many of the forests have too many small trees. These small trees increase the risk of wildfire. Forest managers, therefore, want to remove the small...
Is the climate changing over time? You may have heard different opinions about climate change. In the past few years,…
Climate Change – Vol. 14 No. 1
Is the climate changing over time? You may have heard different opinions about climate change. In the past few years, most scientists have agreed on at least one thing about...
Pine trees cover much of the Southeastern United States. When older pine trees are cut for making wood products, only…
How Now Round Crown? Predicting the Energy Future of Tree Crowns
Pine trees cover much of the Southeastern United States. When older pine trees are cut for making wood products, only the trees’ boles are used. The scientists in this study...
The scientists in this study were interested in three common periodic changes in sea surface temperatures, called oscillations. In particular,…
It’s a Small World: How Oceans and Climates Can Affect Wildland Fires Thousands of Miles Away
The scientists in this study were interested in three common periodic changes in sea surface temperatures, called oscillations. In particular, the scientists wanted to see how wildfires over the past...
In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for…
Keeping It Local: How Federal Wildfire Policy Is Implemented at the Local Level
In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for some ecosystems. Wildfires are now sometimes allowed to burn rather than...
In this study, the scientists studied trees growing on Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean Sea. The scientists wanted…
Leaf Me Alone! The Movement of Nutrients Between Trees and the Soil
In this study, the scientists studied trees growing on Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean Sea. The scientists wanted to know if different trees contribute different amounts of nutrients...
In this study, the scientists studied trees growing on Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean Sea. The scientists wanted…
Leaf Me Alone! The Movement of Nutrients Between Trees and the Soil (Spanish)
In this study, the scientists studied trees growing on Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean Sea. The scientists wanted to know if different trees contribute different amounts of nutrients...
Smoke from wildland fires contains hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals can be gases, liquids, or solid forms. The effects of…
Let’s Clear the Air: The Danger of Forest Fire Smoke to Firefighters
Smoke from wildland fires contains hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals can be gases, liquids, or solid forms. The effects of breathing wildland fire smoke include eye and throat irritation, shortness...
Smoke from wildland fires contains hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals can be gases, liquids, or solid forms. The effects of…
Let’s Clear the Air: The Danger of Forest Fire Smoke to Firefighters (Spanish)
Smoke from wildland fires contains hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals can be gases, liquids, or solid forms. The effects of breathing wildland fire smoke include eye and throat irritation, shortness...
When lightning or other forms of ignition start a fire in a forest, there is a chance of a wildfire. Wildfires may be started…
Liar, Liar, House on Fire! The Relationship Between Trees, Wildland Fire, and Damage to Homes
When lightning or other forms of ignition start a fire in a forest, there is a chance of a wildfire. Wildfires may be started by a natural cause, such as lightning, or they may be started...
When lightning or other forms of ignition start a fire in a forest, there is a chance of a wildfire. Wildfires may be started…
Liar, Liar, House on Fire! The Relationship Between Trees, Wildland Fire, and Damage to Homes (Spanish)
When lightning or other forms of ignition start a fire in a forest, there is a chance of a wildfire. Wildfires may be started by a natural cause, such as lightning, or they may be started...