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  • Fernando Hernandez grew up in Monterrey, Mexico where he loved to search for fossils and peek underneath rocks to see…

    Fernando Hernandez

  • Dr. Barton was the star of “Journey into Amazing Caves” the IMAX film on caves and exploration. Dr. Barton’s research…

    Hazel Barton

  • Limaris “Lima” Soto is the program assistant for two National Park Service (NPS) internships Geoscientists-in-the-Parks and Mosaics in Science with…

    Limaris “Lima” Soto

  • Barb Beasley is a paleontologist with the USDA Forest Service.  She received B.S. from University of Tennessee at Martin, TN…

    Barbara Beasley

  • Hello Everyone! I’ve worked for the Forest Service for over 15 years, and I just recently became a District Ranger…

    Johanna Kovarik

  • My favorite science experience was hiking into a remote area of the Nepalese Himalaya to look for flood deposits. Few…

    Ellen Wohl

  • M.S., University of Connecticut USDA Forest Service Scientist A hydrogeologist is a person who studies the ways that groundwater (hydro)…

    Joe Gurrieri, Hydrogeologist

  • I enjoy bringing data together with theory. Sometimes the data tell you that your idea could be right, and other…

    Bruce Worden

  • My favorite science experience is coming up with new (or even obvious) ways for solving tough problems while doing something…

    David Wald

  • M.S., University of Missouri USDA Forest Service Geologists interpret landscapes, rocks, and mineralization of an area. Geologists find out how…

    Grace Bombulum, Geologist