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  • My favorite science experience was mapping caves in Sequoia with Mr. Despain. We used those maps, along with dated sediment…

    Greg Stock

  • Ph.D., South Dakota School of Mines USDA Forest Service Scientist Paleontology is the study of past life on Earth, from…

    Bruce A. Schumacher, Paleontologist

  • B.S., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist A geologist for the Forest Service conducts studies and investigations on…

    Jenna Padilla, Geologist

  • Ph.D., University of South Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist A speleologist is a scientist who studies caves and the environments…

    Joanna Kovarik, Geologist & Speleologist

  • Ph.D., Cairo Univeristy (Egypt) USDA Forest Service Scientist Geology is the study of Earth, the materials of which it is…

    Sabry Hanna, Geologist

  • B.S., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A geologist studies Earth, the materials Earth is made, the structure of…

    Todd Griffin, Geologist

  • Ph.D., Yale University USDA Forest Service Scientist Paleontologists study fossils, and the rocks in which fossils occur, to understand how…

    Michael Fracasso, Paleontologist & Geologist

  • M.S., Fort Hays State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a paleontologist, I study plants and animals that are preserved in…

    Barb Beasley, Paleontologist

  • I like being a scientist because it allows me to understand, appreciate, and take an active role in protecting our…

    Mary Heather Noble