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Hi – I’m Shelly Witt! I’ve worked for the U.S. Forest Service for more than 30 years and lived in…
Shelly Witt
Hi – I’m Shelly Witt! I’ve worked for the U.S. Forest Service for more than 30 years and lived in Washington, D.C., Utah, and Washington (the state). I work with...
Greetings from the Great Land! I’m Dave Schmid and I’m the Regional Forester for the Alaska Region of the U.S.…
Dave Schmid
Greetings from the Great Land! I’m Dave Schmid and I’m the Regional Forester for the Alaska Region of the U.S. Forest Service. We steward the nation’s two largest national forests...
Dr. Callie Schweitzer is a research forester who asks questions about how to predict tree growth and which species grow…
Callie Schweitzer
Dr. Callie Schweitzer is a research forester who asks questions about how to predict tree growth and which species grow best.
My favorite science experience is making a scientific discovery that people find useful. Recently, we discovered that using cut, small…
Greg Jones
My favorite science experience is making a scientific discovery that people find useful. Recently, we discovered that using cut, small trees for energy reduces the production of greenhouse gases by...
My favorite science experience was living in New Zealand for 6 months. While I was there, I worked with scientists…
Pamela Jakes
My favorite science experience was living in New Zealand for 6 months. While I was there, I worked with scientists to discover what people living in New Zealand can do...
Ph.D., West Virginia University USDA Forest Service Scientist A silviculturist is a forester who is just as concerned about what…
Melissa Thomas-Van Gundy, Silviculturist & Forester
Ph.D., West Virginia University USDA Forest Service Scientist A silviculturist is a forester who is just as concerned about what trees are left in the woods after a harvest than...
Ph.D., Penn State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A research forester studies how forests respond to disturbances. I am interested…
Callie Schweitzer, Research Forester
Ph.D., Penn State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A research forester studies how forests respond to disturbances. I am interested in trying to predict how trees grow, which tree species...
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin – Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist As a forester, I research economics and human roles in natural…
Jeff Prestemon, Research Forester
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin – Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist As a forester, I research economics and human roles in natural disturbances, such as timing and effects of arson. I also...
M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester studies how trees live and grow, and how they…
Sonja Oswalt, Forester
M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester studies how trees live and grow, and how they help people and animals.
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist I study ways to provide estimates of multiple environmental benefits. An example…
Linda Heath, Research Forester
Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist I study ways to provide estimates of multiple environmental benefits. An example of a benefit is forest carbon. The estimates are needed...