(ǝ sō sē ā tǝd): Related, connected, or combined together.
(kri stə līz): To cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form.
(di za strəs): Attended by or causing suffering or disaster.
(ma ni jür): A skilled person who directs or manages something.
(ri lā shǝn ship): The state of being connected through a relation that is known or can be discovered.
(skāl): (1) Something graduated especially when used as a measure or rule: such as a series of marks or points at known intervals used to measure distances or a range of responses to a statement that vary from strongly agree to strongly disagree; (2) A distinctive relative size, extent, or degree.
water vapor pressure
(wȯ tər vā pər pre shər): The amount of pressure put forth by the water that is in air at different temperatures.