BreadcrumbHomeResourcesCrossword – Citizen Science Crossword – Citizen Science ActivityMiddle SchoolLess than 30 minutesCitizen Science...WildlifeConservationData CollectionEndangered SpeciesNativeObservationVocabularyWildlife... After reading the Citizen Science edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle. English Download Activity (PDF) Part Of Citizen Science - Vol. 19 No. 1 Explore Full Journal ContentGlossary Download PDF Glossary View All Glossary accustomed(ə kəs təmd): Being in the habit or custom. analyze(a nǝ līz): To study or find out the nature and relationship of the parts of something. conserve(kǝn sǝrv): To avoid wasteful or destructive use of something. database(dā tə bās): A usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval (as by a computer). deter(di tər): To turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting. endangered(in dān jǝrd): Threatened with extinction. invigorate(in vi gə rāt): To cause (something) to become more active and lively. migratory(mī grǝ tȯr ē): Of, relating to, or characterized by moving, usually periodically, from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding. monitor(mä nə tər): To watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose. native(nā tiv): Living or growing naturally in a particular region. plumage(plü mij): The feathers of a bird. probability(prä bə bi lə tē): A measure of how often a particular event will happen if something (such as tossing a coin) is done repeatedly. questionnaire(kwes chǝ ner): A set of questions for obtaining statistically useful or personal information from individuals. stationary(stā shə ner ē): (1) Not moving; (2) staying in one place or position. sustainablyyearling(yir liŋ): An animal that is one year old or in the second year after birth.