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In this FACTivity, you will create a management objective for your schoolyard. Then you will create an adaptive management process.…
Alternate FACTivity – At Your Service
In this FACTivity, you will create a management objective for your schoolyard. Then you will create an adaptive management process. Materials: Paper Pencil
Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help…
Mangrove Mania: How Elevation Change and Sea-Level Rise Affect Mangrove Forests
Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help protect coastlines. The mangrove forests provide protection for the villages,...
Prairies are grasslands that are often used as forage for cattle. When a wildfire burns across a prairie, the grass…
Time Will Tell: Does Wildfire Damage the Prairie?
Prairies are grasslands that are often used as forage for cattle. When a wildfire burns across a prairie, the grass is killed immediately and there is no forage for cattle....
Prairies are grasslands that are often used as forage for cattle. When a wildfire burns across a prairie, the grass…
Time Will Tell: Does Wildfire Damage the Prairie? (Spanish)
Prairies are grasslands that are often used as forage for cattle. When a wildfire burns across a prairie, the grass is killed immediately and there is no forage for cattle....
In this study, scientists wanted to examine how the harvest of horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay affects the red knot.…
Tying the Knot: How Do Horseshoe Crab and Red Knot Populations Affect Each Other?
In this study, scientists wanted to examine how the harvest of horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay affects the red knot. The red knot is a migratory bird. The red knot...
Test your knowledge on ecosystems, prairies, and species.
Word Search – Time Will Tell
Test your knowledge on ecosystems, prairies, and species.