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The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth…
Who Gives a Hoot? Determining the Value of Owl Habitat
The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth forests, like all forests, may catch fire and be damaged...
The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth…
Who Gives a Hoot? Determining the Value of Owl Habitat (Spanish)
The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth forests, like all forests, may catch fire and be damaged...
The scientists in this study were interested in studying how climate change may impact rural areas in the United States.…
Wide Open Spaces: Climate Change Impacts in Rural Areas of the United States
The scientists in this study were interested in studying how climate change may impact rural areas in the United States. Rural areas are expected to experience more negative impacts from...
Test your knowledge on conservation, mammals, and wildfire.
Word Search – Who Gives a Hoot?
Test your knowledge on conservation, mammals, and wildfire.