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Ph.D., University of Minnesota USDA Forest Service Scientist We study wildlife populations and their relationships with their physical and living…
Joseph Wunderle, Wildlife Ecologist & Conservation Biologist
Ph.D., University of Minnesota USDA Forest Service Scientist We study wildlife populations and their relationships with their physical and living environment to identify what might cause populations to increase or...
Ph.D., UC Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist I study populations of wildlife and the types of habitat they use to…
Marty Raphael, Wildlife Ecologist
Ph.D., UC Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist I study populations of wildlife and the types of habitat they use to better understand how to conserve species that are at risk.
Ph.D., Oregon State University Corvallis OR USDA Forest Service Scientist I study the reasons why plant and animal species are…
Bruce G. Marcot, Research Wildlife Ecologist
Ph.D., Oregon State University Corvallis OR USDA Forest Service Scientist I study the reasons why plant and animal species are rare, why some are at risk, and how threatened or...
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife ecologist studies the relationships and interactions among wildlife, their habitats,…
Karl Malcolm, Wildlife Ecologist
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife ecologist studies the relationships and interactions among wildlife, their habitats, landscapes, ecosystems, and people.
Ph.D., Missouri-Columbia USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife ecologist studies native animal species at multiple levels of biological organization, from…
Sybill K. Amelon, Wildlife Ecologist
Ph.D., Missouri-Columbia USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife ecologist studies native animal species at multiple levels of biological organization, from genetics of wildlife populations to interactions of wildlife ecosystem processes.
My most exciting science experience was discovering that even very small bats that weigh only 10 grams (about one third…
Sybill Amelon
My most exciting science experience was discovering that even very small bats that weigh only 10 grams (about one third of an ounce) travel long distances every night. We found...
I have worked with a variety of carnivores over the years, large and small, but one of my favorite research-related…
Craig Thompson
I have worked with a variety of carnivores over the years, large and small, but one of my favorite research-related memories is being attacked by a northern grasshopper mouse. After...
My favorite science experience is difficult to choose—there are so many incredible moments I’ve enjoyed “in the field” studying wildlife…
James P. Ward
My favorite science experience is difficult to choose—there are so many incredible moments I’ve enjoyed “in the field” studying wildlife and in particular, spotted owls. A clear and memorable high-point...
In a long career in field ecology, I have had so many amazing moments that it is difficult to pick…
Joe Ganey
In a long career in field ecology, I have had so many amazing moments that it is difficult to pick a single highlight. I vividly remember the first time I...
I have had wonderful experiences doing science outdoors. One of my favorite experiences was studying a bird. I studied mountain…
Sharon Coe
I have had wonderful experiences doing science outdoors. One of my favorite experiences was studying a bird. I studied mountain chickadees in a forest in the Sierra Nevada. The Sierra...