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  • Lizandra Nieves-Rivera is the Forest Soil Scientist for the Willamette National Forest in Springfield, OR. In this role, she is…

    Lizandra Nieves-Rivera

  • Dr. Quin Holifield is a soil scientist who asks questions about how soil affects the health of plants and animals.…

    Quin Holifield

  • My favorite science experience is discovering how trees work: how they stand up, how they grow, and how they withstand…

    Tom Dean

  • I enjoy science because I get to continually learn about things and help others learn. Every experiment has three great…

    Andy Scott

  • My favorite science experience is studying mycology and learning to identify all types of mushrooms. It is fun to look…

    Cassie Hebel

  • Ph.D., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist A soil scientist studies soil properties and processes and how they change in…

    Andy Scott, Research Soil Scientist

  • Ph.D., The University of Idaho USDA Forest Service Scientist Forest Service soil scientists study how soil is interrelated to how…

    Debbie Page-Dumroese, Soil Scientist

  • Ph.D., University of Minnesota USDA Forest Service Scientist Soil scientists study how soils influence the cycling of water, nutrients, carbon,…

    Randy Kolka, Research Soil Scientist

  • Ph.D., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY/CESF) USDA Forest Service Scientist Soil scientists are…

    Quin Holifield, Soil Scientist

  • Ph.D., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist Forest soil scientists observe, measure, and analyze forest soils.  We do this to…

    Claudia Cotton, Forest Soil Scientist