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Lizandra Nieves-Rivera is the Forest Soil Scientist for the Willamette National Forest in Springfield, OR. In this role, she is…
Lizandra Nieves-Rivera
Lizandra Nieves-Rivera is the Forest Soil Scientist for the Willamette National Forest in Springfield, OR. In this role, she is responsible for assessing and protecting soil, and geological resources. Lizandra...
Dr. Quin Holifield is a soil scientist who asks questions about how soil affects the health of plants and animals.…
Quin Holifield
Dr. Quin Holifield is a soil scientist who asks questions about how soil affects the health of plants and animals. She wants to know if organisms living in the soil...
My favorite science experience is discovering how trees work: how they stand up, how they grow, and how they withstand…
Tom Dean
My favorite science experience is discovering how trees work: how they stand up, how they grow, and how they withstand changes in the environment year after year.
I enjoy science because I get to continually learn about things and help others learn. Every experiment has three great…
Andy Scott
I enjoy science because I get to continually learn about things and help others learn. Every experiment has three great parts for me. First, each experiment means I’m doing something...
My favorite science experience is studying mycology and learning to identify all types of mushrooms. It is fun to look…
Cassie Hebel
My favorite science experience is studying mycology and learning to identify all types of mushrooms. It is fun to look inside the wonderful kingdom of fungi. From the smallest underground...
Ph.D., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist A soil scientist studies soil properties and processes and how they change in…
Andy Scott, Research Soil Scientist
Ph.D., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist A soil scientist studies soil properties and processes and how they change in response to management actions, and how they influence other parts...
Ph.D., The University of Idaho USDA Forest Service Scientist Forest Service soil scientists study how soil is interrelated to how…
Debbie Page-Dumroese, Soil Scientist
Ph.D., The University of Idaho USDA Forest Service Scientist Forest Service soil scientists study how soil is interrelated to how plants grow, how harvesting changes the soil, and how we...
Ph.D., University of Minnesota USDA Forest Service Scientist Soil scientists study how soils influence the cycling of water, nutrients, carbon,…
Randy Kolka, Research Soil Scientist
Ph.D., University of Minnesota USDA Forest Service Scientist Soil scientists study how soils influence the cycling of water, nutrients, carbon, pollutants, and other materials. We also study similarities and differences...
Ph.D., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY/CESF) USDA Forest Service Scientist Soil scientists are…
Quin Holifield, Soil Scientist
Ph.D., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY/CESF) USDA Forest Service Scientist Soil scientists are concerned with the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics and behavoir...
Ph.D., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist Forest soil scientists observe, measure, and analyze forest soils. We do this to…
Claudia Cotton, Forest Soil Scientist
Ph.D., Virginia Tech USDA Forest Service Scientist Forest soil scientists observe, measure, and analyze forest soils. We do this to make sure that forest management activities, such as trail building and...