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I spent 15 years studying invasive species, particularly those that cause tree diseases. Now I am working to make sure…
Kerry Britton
I spent 15 years studying invasive species, particularly those that cause tree diseases. Now I am working to make sure that the best available science is used to prevent new...
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist Plant pathologists study plant diseases. A plant disease is the interaction between…
Isabel Alvarez Munck, Plant Pathologist
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist Plant pathologists study plant diseases. A plant disease is the interaction between plants, their pathogens (viruses, bacteria, nematodes, and fungi), and the...
M.S., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant pathologist studies the organisms and environmental factors that cause plant…
Michelle Cram, Plant Pathologist
M.S., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant pathologist studies the organisms and environmental factors that cause plant diseases, and methods to reduce or prevent damage by diseases.
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist An entomologist studies insects and a plant pathologist studies plant diseases –…
Kier Klepzig, Entomologist & Plant Pathologist
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist An entomologist studies insects and a plant pathologist studies plant diseases – in my case diseases of trees.
My favorite science experience is working on a research team with scientists from different fields. Plus, my job takes me…
Paul Hennon
My favorite science experience is working on a research team with scientists from different fields. Plus, my job takes me to so many remarkably beautiful, pristine, and remote places.
My favorite science experience is studying how plants respond to pollutants and to a changing climate. Plants continually respond to…
Art Chappelka
My favorite science experience is studying how plants respond to pollutants and to a changing climate. Plants continually respond to their environment in ways that we can see and also...
M.S., Iowa State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant pathologist specializes in plant health. Keeping plants healthy requires an…
Susan Best, Plant Pathologist
M.S., Iowa State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant pathologist specializes in plant health. Keeping plants healthy requires an understanding of the organisms that cause disease, as well as...
As a researcher, I can pursue my own scientific curiosity. I can have an idea and then design an experiment…
David Dwinell
As a researcher, I can pursue my own scientific curiosity. I can have an idea and then design an experiment to test its validity. I find it highly gratifying to...
I have always enjoyed working in the forests and fields. In taking the results of our studies on developing disease…
Harry Powers
I have always enjoyed working in the forests and fields. In taking the results of our studies on developing disease resistant pines, I get the bonus of being able to...