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  • I spent 15 years studying invasive species, particularly those that cause tree diseases. Now I am working to make sure…

    Kerry Britton

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist Plant pathologists study plant diseases.  A plant disease is the interaction between…

    Isabel Alvarez Munck, Plant Pathologist

  • M.S., University of Michigan USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant pathologist studies the organisms and environmental factors that cause plant…

    Michelle Cram, Plant Pathologist

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist An entomologist studies insects and a plant pathologist studies plant diseases –…

    Kier Klepzig, Entomologist & Plant Pathologist

  • My favorite science experience is working on a research team with scientists from different fields. Plus, my job takes me…

    Paul Hennon

  • My favorite science experience is studying how plants respond to pollutants and to a changing climate. Plants continually respond to…

    Art Chappelka

  • M.S., Iowa State University USDA Forest Service Scientist A plant pathologist specializes in plant health.  Keeping plants  healthy requires an…

    Susan Best, Plant Pathologist

  • As a researcher, I can pursue my own scientific curiosity. I can have an idea and then design an experiment…

    David Dwinell

  • George Kuhlman

  • I have always enjoyed working in the forests and fields. In taking the results of our studies on developing disease…

    Harry Powers