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Dr. Barton was the star of “Journey into Amazing Caves” the IMAX film on caves and exploration. Dr. Barton’s research…
Hazel Barton
Dr. Barton was the star of “Journey into Amazing Caves” the IMAX film on caves and exploration. Dr. Barton’s research is geared toward understanding microbial interactions and adaptations to nutrient-limitation,...
Limaris “Lima” Soto is the program assistant for two National Park Service (NPS) internships Geoscientists-in-the-Parks and Mosaics in Science with…
Limaris “Lima” Soto
Limaris “Lima” Soto is the program assistant for two National Park Service (NPS) internships Geoscientists-in-the-Parks and Mosaics in Science with the Geologic Resources Division. Lima has a Bachelor’s degree in...
Hello Everyone! I’ve worked for the Forest Service for over 15 years, and I just recently became a District Ranger…
Johanna Kovarik
Hello Everyone! I’ve worked for the Forest Service for over 15 years, and I just recently became a District Ranger on the Paulina Ranger District of the Ochoco National Forest...
My favorite science experience was hiking into a remote area of the Nepalese Himalaya to look for flood deposits. Few…
Ellen Wohl
My favorite science experience was hiking into a remote area of the Nepalese Himalaya to look for flood deposits. Few outsiders had ever visited the area. The local people were...
M.S., University of Missouri USDA Forest Service Geologists interpret landscapes, rocks, and mineralization of an area. Geologists find out how…
Grace Bombulum, Geologist
M.S., University of Missouri USDA Forest Service Geologists interpret landscapes, rocks, and mineralization of an area. Geologists find out how and why certain rocks and minerals are located on the...
My favorite science experience was mapping caves in Sequoia with Mr. Despain. We used those maps, along with dated sediment…
Greg Stock
My favorite science experience was mapping caves in Sequoia with Mr. Despain. We used those maps, along with dated sediment in the caves, to determine long-term river downcutting rates. The...
B.S., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist A geologist for the Forest Service conducts studies and investigations on…
Jenna Padilla, Geologist
B.S., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist A geologist for the Forest Service conducts studies and investigations on projects where minerals and geology impact the development or management...
Ph.D., University of South Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist A speleologist is a scientist who studies caves and the environments…
Joanna Kovarik, Geologist & Speleologist
Ph.D., University of South Florida USDA Forest Service Scientist A speleologist is a scientist who studies caves and the environments in which caves occur. Speleologists come from a diversity of...
Ph.D., Cairo Univeristy (Egypt) USDA Forest Service Scientist Geology is the study of Earth, the materials of which it is…
Sabry Hanna, Geologist
Ph.D., Cairo Univeristy (Egypt) USDA Forest Service Scientist Geology is the study of Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting...
B.S., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A geologist studies Earth, the materials Earth is made, the structure of…
Todd Griffin, Geologist
B.S., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist A geologist studies Earth, the materials Earth is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them.