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  • Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale USDA Forest Service Scientist As a fisheries and aquatic ecologist, I study fishes and freshwater mussels in…

    Mel Warren, Fisheries & Aquatic Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist A wildlife biologist studies wildlife populations, communities, and their habitats.

    John Kilgo, Wildlife Biologist

  • Ph.D., University of Wyoming USDA Forest Service Scientist As a fisheries biologist, I study fish and how different features of their habitat…

    Dan Isaak, Fisheries Biologist

  • In the photo, I am holding a large (7 pound) bull trout. We captured this trout below the Emily-A-Dam, which…

    Aubree Benson

  • So far, my favorite science experience has been living and working in Uganda, East Africa, where I studied the effects…

    Pam Schofield

  • My favorite science experiences are teaching about photosynthesis and studying food webs. In this photo, I was collecting algae from…

    Hugo Magaña

  • I enjoy mentoring young scientists, helping them to develop useful and interesting questions and to form thorough and accurate answers.…

    Brian Beckman

  • My favorite science experience was capturing 40-pound Chinook salmon in the newly restored Elwha River. The Elwha River is in…

    Keith Denton

  • It is tough to choose my favorite science experience. I’d have to say that it was watching nonnative fish use…

    Aimee Fullerton

  • My favorite science experience was rowing a raft down the Yakima River in Washington State. I was collecting data on…

    Donald Larsen