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Anita works for the Forest Service in the Washington DC office where she manages water and aquatic resources. When she…
Anita Thompkins
Anita works for the Forest Service in the Washington DC office where she manages water and aquatic resources. When she is not in the office, she spends her time recreating...
I like being a scientist because I learned the building blocks of how things work in the natural world around…
Laurie Tysdal
I like being a scientist because I learned the building blocks of how things work in the natural world around us. Now I can figure out new things on my...
My favorite science experience is working on research projects that ultimately result in technical advances that help people. For example,…
Robert Ross
My favorite science experience is working on research projects that ultimately result in technical advances that help people. For example, scientists like me do work that influences all of the...
My favorite science experience was when my physics classmates in college and I watched our professor dip a rubber ball…
Melissa Huff
My favorite science experience was when my physics classmates in college and I watched our professor dip a rubber ball into liquid nitrogen. He then dropped it, and the ball...
I studied engineering and physics in college. My memorable experience was when a professor explained to all of us in…
Tim Maker
I studied engineering and physics in college. My memorable experience was when a professor explained to all of us in his physics class about what he did as a scientist....
My favorite science experience was working with two communities in southern Mexico. The communities were hoping to use more of…
Rick Bergman
My favorite science experience was working with two communities in southern Mexico. The communities were hoping to use more of their natural resources to become more self-sustaining as a community....
Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a biological and agricultural engineer, I explore, design, and study…
J.M. Grace III, Biological & Agricultural Engineer
Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a biological and agricultural engineer, I explore, design, and study interactions among all aspects of biological systems.
Growing up, my parents owned an auto body repair business. Being around auto repair sparked my curiosity of how things…
David Kretschmann
Growing up, my parents owned an auto body repair business. Being around auto repair sparked my curiosity of how things worked and held together when subjected to extreme conditions. I...
I have always found math and science very interesting. I have enjoyed being able to use those concepts and tools…
Patrick Drane
I have always found math and science very interesting. I have enjoyed being able to use those concepts and tools in engineering to investigate mechanical systems, design tools, and solve...
M.S., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona USDA Forest Service As an environmental engineer, a typical day might include sampling potable…
Kevin Hernandez, Environmental Engineer
M.S., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona USDA Forest Service As an environmental engineer, a typical day might include sampling potable water systems, designing effective ways of disposing of wastewater, or...