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  • Anita works for the Forest Service in the Washington DC office where she manages water and aquatic resources. When she…

    Anita Thompkins

  • I like being a scientist because I learned the building blocks of how things work in the natural world around…

    Laurie Tysdal

  • My favorite science experience is working on research projects that ultimately result in technical advances that help people. For example,…

    Robert Ross

  • My favorite science experience was when my physics classmates in college and I watched our professor dip a rubber ball…

    Melissa Huff

  • I studied engineering and physics in college. My memorable experience was when a professor explained to all of us in…

    Tim Maker

  • My favorite science experience was working with two communities in southern Mexico. The communities were hoping to use more of…

    Rick Bergman

  • Ph.D., North Carolina State University USDA Forest Service Scientist As a biological and agricultural engineer, I explore, design, and study…

    J.M. Grace III, Biological & Agricultural Engineer

  • Growing up, my parents owned an auto body repair business. Being around auto repair sparked my curiosity of how things…

    David Kretschmann

  • I have always found math and science very interesting. I have enjoyed being able to use those concepts and tools…

    Patrick Drane

  • M.S., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona USDA Forest Service As an environmental engineer, a typical day might include sampling potable…

    Kevin Hernandez, Environmental Engineer