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Ph.D., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service Scientist Oikos is the Greek root word for “household.” It is also the…
Trista Patterson, Economist
Ph.D., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service Scientist Oikos is the Greek root word for “household.” It is also the root of the word “economy” and “ecology!” Good managment of...
Ph.D., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist As an economist, I study how humans use the environment for goods…
C. Meghan Downes, Economist
Ph.D., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist As an economist, I study how humans use the environment for goods and services. I also study the value people place on natural...
My interests in forests and conservation go back to my long-term love of being outdoors, which started when I was…
David Lewis
My interests in forests and conservation go back to my long-term love of being outdoors, which started when I was a kid and continues to this day. My favorite science...
My favorite science experience is converting my backyard to a butterfly and bird-friendly sanctuary. I am not a fan of…
Yukiko Hashida
My favorite science experience is converting my backyard to a butterfly and bird-friendly sanctuary. I am not a fan of the lawn as it doesn’t support much biodiversity. I tend...
My favorite science experience was calculating the cost effectiveness of fire sprinklers in homes. This required determining how much it…
David Butry
My favorite science experience was calculating the cost effectiveness of fire sprinklers in homes. This required determining how much it costs to install and maintain fire sprinklers. It also required...
My favorite science experience was a survey we did to explore factors influencing the degradation of Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda. One…
Janaki Alavalapati
My favorite science experience was a survey we did to explore factors influencing the degradation of Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda. One individual’s response was, “I make more money by working in...
My favorite science experience is using the principles of economics to solve environmental problems. These problems include deforestation, other natural…
Pankaj Lal
My favorite science experience is using the principles of economics to solve environmental problems. These problems include deforestation, other natural resource depletion, climate change, and pollution control. I believe that...
My favorite science experience is when I get to travel to other places around the world to study how people…
Michael Kilgore
My favorite science experience is when I get to travel to other places around the world to study how people use forests.
My favorite science experience was the summer I spent camping with Dr. Aplet in the Colorado mountains when we were…
Pete Morton
My favorite science experience was the summer I spent camping with Dr. Aplet in the Colorado mountains when we were doing some research on wilderness. During the day, we collected...
I like being a scientist because it is fun to play detective and try to understand how people make economic…
Armando Gonzalez-Caban
I like being a scientist because it is fun to play detective and try to understand how people make economic decisions about the natural environment. I discover how people feel...