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  • Ph.D., University of Maryland USDA Forest Service Scientist Oikos is the Greek root word for “household.”  It is also the…

    Trista Patterson, Economist

  • Ph.D., University of New Mexico USDA Forest Service Scientist As an economist, I study how humans use the environment for goods…

    C. Meghan Downes, Economist

  • My interests in forests and conservation go back to my long-term love of being outdoors, which started when I was…

    David Lewis

  • My favorite science experience is converting my backyard to a butterfly and bird-friendly sanctuary. I am not a fan of…

    Yukiko Hashida

  • My favorite science experience was calculating the cost effectiveness of fire sprinklers in homes. This required determining how much it…

    David Butry

  • My favorite science experience was a survey we did to explore factors influencing the degradation of Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda. One…

    Janaki Alavalapati

  • My favorite science experience is using the principles of economics to solve environmental problems. These problems include deforestation, other natural…

    Pankaj Lal

  • My favorite science experience is when I get to travel to other places around the world to study how people…

    Michael Kilgore

  • My favorite science experience was the summer I spent camping with Dr. Aplet in the Colorado mountains when we were…

    Pete Morton

  • I like being a scientist because it is fun to play detective and try to understand how people make economic…

    Armando Gonzalez-Caban