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  • Dave is a regional fishery program manager and aquatic ecologist with the US Forest Service in the Rocky Mountain Region.
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    Dave Winters

  • John is an aquatic ecologist with the United States Forest Service. His expertise is in aquatic invasive species. Recently, he…
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    John Rothlisberger

  • Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale USDA Forest Service Scientist As a fisheries and aquatic ecologist, I study fishes and freshwater mussels in…
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    Mel Warren, Fisheries & Aquatic Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Washington USDA Forest Service Scientist I am an aquatic ecologist researching native fish and amphibians in high elevation…
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    Kathleen Matthews, Aquatic/Fish Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Mississippi USDA Forest Service Scientist As an aquatic ecologist I study animals that live in rivers and…
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    Wendell Haag, Aquatic Ecologist

  • University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee USDA Forest Service Scientist An aquatic ecologist studies plants and animals that live in streams,…
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    Dr. Rich MacKenzie, Aquatic Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist Aquatic ecologist study how forest and other environmental factors influence the plants,…
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    Sue Eggert, Aquatic Ecologist

  • Ph.D., University of Mississippi USDA Forest Service Scientist An aquatic ecologist studies the interactions between aquatic animals and their environment…
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    Zanethia Barnett, Aquatic Ecologist & Astacologist

  • My favorite science experience was seeing the results of our research used in new management programs that led to increased…
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    Kathleen Matthews

  • Ph.D., The University of Montana USDA Forest Service Scientist An aquatic ecologist studies interactions in aquatic ecosystems, and an astacologist…
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    Susie Adams, Aquatic Ecologist & Astacologist