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  • Ph.D., Silesian University, Katowice, Poland USDA Forest Service Scientist As an ecologist, I monitor and evaluate the impacts of air…

    Andrezej Bytnerowicz, Ecologist

  • University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee USDA Forest Service Scientist An aquatic ecologist studies plants and animals that live in streams,…

    Dr. Rich MacKenzie, Aquatic Ecologist

  • Ph.D., Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist I seek to understand how different parts of an ecosystem, such as…

    Jonathan Long, Ecologist

  • Ph.D., The University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research entomologist in the USDA Forest Service, my job…

    Chris Fettig, Research Entomologist

  • Ph.D., University of California, Riverside USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economist study the interaction between people and nature. My research…

    José J. Sánchez, Environmental Economist

  • Ph.D., University of Illinois USDA Forest Service Scientist As a meteorologist, my research involves the predictability and fire science applications…

    Shyh-Chin Chen, Meteorologist

  • My best day in the field ever was when I climbed to a fisher den and extracted two kits to…

    Kathryn Purcell

  • While studying forest habitats, wildlife species, and wildland fires, we now understand that the greatest risk to most forest species…

    Todd Rawlinson

  • Ph.D., University of  California – Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester studies how forests and woodlands grow, function, and…

    David Weise, Forester

  • University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist As a statistical scientist I translate scientists’ hypothesis and word problems into…

    Haiganoush Preisler, Statistical Scientist