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Ph.D., Silesian University, Katowice, Poland USDA Forest Service Scientist As an ecologist, I monitor and evaluate the impacts of air…
Andrezej Bytnerowicz, Ecologist
Ph.D., Silesian University, Katowice, Poland USDA Forest Service Scientist As an ecologist, I monitor and evaluate the impacts of air pollution and climate change on forests and other ecosystems.
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee USDA Forest Service Scientist An aquatic ecologist studies plants and animals that live in streams,…
Dr. Rich MacKenzie, Aquatic Ecologist
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee USDA Forest Service Scientist An aquatic ecologist studies plants and animals that live in streams, lakes, and wetlands. We try to understand the roles these...
Ph.D., Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist I seek to understand how different parts of an ecosystem, such as…
Jonathan Long, Ecologist
Ph.D., Northern Arizona University USDA Forest Service Scientist I seek to understand how different parts of an ecosystem, such as plants, rocks, water, and human uses, interact and change. My...
Ph.D., The University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research entomologist in the USDA Forest Service, my job…
Chris Fettig, Research Entomologist
Ph.D., The University of Georgia USDA Forest Service Scientist As a research entomologist in the USDA Forest Service, my job is to help define the roles and impacts of insects...
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economist study the interaction between people and nature. My research…
José J. Sánchez, Environmental Economist
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economist study the interaction between people and nature. My research includes people’s preferences towards nature, the value they place on...
Ph.D., University of Illinois USDA Forest Service Scientist As a meteorologist, my research involves the predictability and fire science applications…
Shyh-Chin Chen, Meteorologist
Ph.D., University of Illinois USDA Forest Service Scientist As a meteorologist, my research involves the predictability and fire science applications of weather and climate.
My best day in the field ever was when I climbed to a fisher den and extracted two kits to…
Kathryn Purcell
My best day in the field ever was when I climbed to a fisher den and extracted two kits to be measured and marked for future identification. My arm just...
While studying forest habitats, wildlife species, and wildland fires, we now understand that the greatest risk to most forest species…
Todd Rawlinson
While studying forest habitats, wildlife species, and wildland fires, we now understand that the greatest risk to most forest species is catastrophic, high-intensity wildfire. During my career, I have learned...
Ph.D., University of California – Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester studies how forests and woodlands grow, function, and…
David Weise, Forester
Ph.D., University of California – Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist A forester studies how forests and woodlands grow, function, and are managed to provide things that people want and need...
University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist As a statistical scientist I translate scientists’ hypothesis and word problems into…
Haiganoush Preisler, Statistical Scientist
University of California, Berkeley USDA Forest Service Scientist As a statistical scientist I translate scientists’ hypothesis and word problems into a few (essential) equations that help further our understanding of...