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For this FACTivity, you will conduct your own survey like the scientists in this article. You will actually ask people…
FACTivity – Can You Hear Me Now?
For this FACTivity, you will conduct your own survey like the scientists in this article. You will actually ask people some of the same questions that the scientists in this...
In this study, the scientists wanted to identify the most important elements of an experience in Gates of the Arctic…
It’s Elemental, My Dear! What Makes an Experience Different at Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve?
In this study, the scientists wanted to identify the most important elements of an experience in Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve.
When a society decides to set aside areas of land as wilderness, it makes a choice about the value of…
Speak-o-logical: Defining and Measuring the Ecological Value of Wilderness
When a society decides to set aside areas of land as wilderness, it makes a choice about the value of those lands. In the United States, people have decided that...
The idea of protecting lands as wilderness did not happen overnight. Before the National Wilderness Preservation System was established in…
Spotlight – Wilderness Act Timeline (Pack to Back)
The idea of protecting lands as wilderness did not happen overnight. Before the National Wilderness Preservation System was established in 1964, many people took actions that helped Americans understand the...