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  • USDA Forest Service Stan Krugman used his expertise to determine which tree seeds to send into orbit aboard Apollo 14.…

    Stan Krugman, Geneticist

  • I am interested in understanding how plants, both ones we manage and ones that grow in the wild, adapt to…

    Jill Hamilton

  • Ph.D., University of California USDA Forest Service Scientist As a geneticist, I use DNA and RNA to reveal the secret…

    Keith Woeste, Geneticist

  • As a forest geneticist, I oversee seed orchards, seed extractories, and seed bank resources. These resources supply cost-effective, genetically diverse,…

    Marcus Warwell

  • Dr. Millar and I were searching for pika in a boulder field on Warren Bench, above Mono Lake, California. Pikas…

    Robert Westfall