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USDA Forest Service Stan Krugman used his expertise to determine which tree seeds to send into orbit aboard Apollo 14.…
Stan Krugman, Geneticist
USDA Forest Service Stan Krugman used his expertise to determine which tree seeds to send into orbit aboard Apollo 14. To make sure the trees were well taken care of,...
I am interested in understanding how plants, both ones we manage and ones that grow in the wild, adapt to…
Jill Hamilton
I am interested in understanding how plants, both ones we manage and ones that grow in the wild, adapt to their environments. I use a combination of genomic tools, greenhouses,...
Ph.D., University of California USDA Forest Service Scientist As a geneticist, I use DNA and RNA to reveal the secret…
Keith Woeste, Geneticist
Ph.D., University of California USDA Forest Service Scientist As a geneticist, I use DNA and RNA to reveal the secret life of trees. DNA and RNA are found in the cells of...
As a forest geneticist, I oversee seed orchards, seed extractories, and seed bank resources. These resources supply cost-effective, genetically diverse,…
Marcus Warwell
As a forest geneticist, I oversee seed orchards, seed extractories, and seed bank resources. These resources supply cost-effective, genetically diverse, and genetically appropriate seeds for different places across the country....
Dr. Millar and I were searching for pika in a boulder field on Warren Bench, above Mono Lake, California. Pikas…
Robert Westfall
Dr. Millar and I were searching for pika in a boulder field on Warren Bench, above Mono Lake, California. Pikas are small mammals in the same family as rabbits. We...