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Ph.D., University of Wyoming USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economists study the way people interact with nature. This research includes how…
Travis Warziniack, Environmental Economist
Ph.D., University of Wyoming USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economists study the way people interact with nature. This research includes how people value nature, how they respond to changes in the environment,...
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economist study the interaction between people and nature. My research…
José J. Sánchez, Environmental Economist
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economist study the interaction between people and nature. My research includes people’s preferences towards nature, the value they place on...
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin – Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economics uses economic concepts to study natural resources and…
Patty Champ, Environmental Economist
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin – Madison USDA Forest Service Scientist Environmental economics uses economic concepts to study natural resources and the environment. Within this broad area of study, I am...
My favorite experiences over the course of my career as a scientist have involved working with scientists from other disciplines.…
Jeff Kline
My favorite experiences over the course of my career as a scientist have involved working with scientists from other disciplines. Since I was a kid playing in the woods behind...
My interests in forests and conservation go back to my long-term love of being outdoors, which started when I was…
David Lewis
My interests in forests and conservation go back to my long-term love of being outdoors, which started when I was a kid and continues to this day. My favorite science...
My favorite science experience is converting my backyard to a butterfly and bird-friendly sanctuary. I am not a fan of…
Yukiko Hashida
My favorite science experience is converting my backyard to a butterfly and bird-friendly sanctuary. I am not a fan of the lawn as it doesn’t support much biodiversity. I tend...