Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
Conservation Education Specialist As an educator in conservation for over 50 years, I invite everyone to learn, enjoy, and care…
Woodsy Owl, Conservation Education Specialist
Conservation Education Specialist As an educator in conservation for over 50 years, I invite everyone to learn, enjoy, and care about the conservation of our natural resources. I also encourage...
Greetings from Albuquerque, New Mexico! I’m Apple Snider. Can you guess how I got my unique name? I’m the education…
Apple Snider
Greetings from Albuquerque, New Mexico! I’m Apple Snider. Can you guess how I got my unique name? I’m the education coordinator for the Southwestern Region of the USDA Forest Service—that...
Hello from Alaska! I’m the program manager for interpretation and conservation education for the Alaska Region of the Forest Service.…
Annette Heckart
Hello from Alaska! I’m the program manager for interpretation and conservation education for the Alaska Region of the Forest Service. I’ve worked in the Alaska Region for 27 years! I...
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service As an educator, I identify, design, and deliver opportunities for visitors to our…
Tinelle Bustam, Educator and Social Scientist
Ph.D., University of Florida USDA Forest Service As an educator, I identify, design, and deliver opportunities for visitors to our national forests to strengthen and deepen their connections to the...
M.Ed., Montana State University USDA Forest Service A conservation education specialist facilitates, leads, and provides support to the forest-wide conservation…
Teresa Wenum, Conservation Education Specialist
M.Ed., Montana State University USDA Forest Service A conservation education specialist facilitates, leads, and provides support to the forest-wide conservation education program. I work as part of a team with...
B.A., University of Nebraska Omaha USDA Forest Service I am an information assistant at the Hood River Ranger District. Along…
Victor Kikel, Information Assistant & Conservation Educator
B.A., University of Nebraska Omaha USDA Forest Service I am an information assistant at the Hood River Ranger District. Along with my customer service duties, I also provide conservation and...
B.S., University of Montana USDA Forest Service My work involves working outside, wilderness character monitoring, using horses and mules for…
Ellie Fitzpatrick, Wilderness Ranger & Conservation Educator
B.S., University of Montana USDA Forest Service My work involves working outside, wilderness character monitoring, using horses and mules for wilderness work, providing information to people who recreate, and organizing...