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Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Dr. Mercer!
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Dr. Evan Mercer who compares climate in rural and urban...
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Dr. Mercer! – Spanish
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Dr. Evan Mercer who compares climate in rural and urban...
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Ms. Laseter!
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Stephanie Laseter who studies how rainfall affects streams and rivers...
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Ms. Laseter! – Spanish
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Stephanie Laseter who studies how rainfall affects streams and rivers...