Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about the importance of preventing wildfires. Just how effective is Smokey’s…

    A Burning Question: Is An Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?

  • From 1920 to 1950, a tree species called albizia (Falcataria moluccana) was brought to Hawai‘i from islands located north and…

    Don’t Litter the Stream: An Invasive Tree Species and a Hawaiian Stream Food Web

  • In this FACTivity, you will get together with other students and brainstorm a list of challenges or concerns at your…

    FACTivity – Keeping It Local

  • In pairs or in groups, you will identify five policies that exist in your school and analyze who they affect,…

    FACTivity – Out of the Penalty Box

  • In this FACTivity, you will conduct a survey asking adults how they feel about Federal employees’ management of public lands,…

    FACTivity – Trust Is a Must

  • The historian in this study was interested in understanding the impact of the 1910 fires on fire policy and American…

    Fight or Light? The History and Impact of the Big Fires of 1910

  • Read about efforts to model changes to land use within watersheds to help identify and prioritize watersheds with low water…

    Full Throttle Model: Using Scientific Models to Quickly Assess Water Quality

  • Our country is full of dazzling landscapes where you can play and learn. America’s public lands are a treasured part…

    Great Outdoors LIVE

  • With two-thirds of the U.S. population drinking water from surface sources such as streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, it is…

    Green Means Clean! Assessing the Condition of U.S. Drinking Water Watersheds

  • In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for…

    Keeping It Local: How Federal Wildfire Policy Is Implemented at the Local Level

  • The scientists in this study wanted to answer two questions: (1) How many people in the United States are projected…

    Pack to Back: Investigating Backpacking and Other Backcountry and Wilderness Activities

  • Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found…

    Sediment-al Journey: Measuring Metal Concentrations in Soil Beside Urban Waterways